The Sensitive Natural Space: “Territory of Squares”

Territoire des Places - © Fédération des chasseurs
Hunters Federation
Territoire des Places - © Fédération des chasseurs
Hunters Federation
Territoire des Places - © Fédération des chasseurs
Hunters Federation
Territoire des Places - © Fédération des chasseurs
Hunters Federation

The Sensitive Natural Space of the "Territoire des Places" located in the municipality of Morogues, covers an area of ​​108 hectares made up of natural meadows and faunal cultures, herbaceous and shrubby moors, woods, wet moors and a pond. of 4 hectares

Its interests are multiple: Landscape: view of the pond and the bocage typical of the Pays Fort; Ecological: presence of threatened habitats such as the humid meadow at Molinie, the acidophilic pedunculate oak grove with blue molinia, the humid moor with heather at four angles and the megaphorbiaie, community with meadowsweet. Among the protected plant procession we can find the creeping willow, the gentian pneumonanthe, the pillaria, the four-cornered heather, the loose orchid and the May orchid.


  • Sensitive Natural Area